Harrow Conservatives

Labour Council Fails To Deliver For Residents Despite Receiving £1.4 billion In Government Funding

Harrow’s Labour-run Council has long blamed its failure to deliver quality services on a supposed ‘lack of funding’ from central government.

Harrow Conservatives have exposed that the Council has received over £1.4 billion in funding from the government since the last Council election in 2018. On average, Harrow Council has received £332 million per year from the government, this on top of the total annual council tax income paid by residents like you. The Council has also received over £143 million in Covid support funding from the Conservative government since the start of the pandemic.

Labour Councillors have tried to argue that their failure to keep Harrow clean, provide one-hour free parking or prevent inappropriate high-rise developments in our suburbs is all due to an alleged lack of government funding.

Labour’s claims of underfunding are nothing more than an attempt to shift blame for their failure to deliver meaningful change for Harrow residents. A Conservative-led Council would focus on making a difference to the everyday lives of residents and deliver on local people’s priorities.

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