Harrow Conservatives

Thank you for voting Conservative

Thank you Harrow for voting Conservative last Thursday, 5th May. With the decisive support of residents, Harrow Council is now a majority Conservative Council.

Local people elected 31 Conservative Councillors compared to just 24 Labour Councillors. Residents chose a Council that will deliver positive change over continued stagnation under Labour.

Leader of Harrow Conservatives (and now Harrow Council), Cllr Paul Osborn, is already working hard alongside his dedicated Conservative team to put residents first.

Thanks to your support, we can now:

  • Enhance Harrow’s street cleaning teams to keep our neighbourhoods tidy
  • Introduce 1 hour free parking both on street and in Council owned car parks
  • Introduce free bulky waste collection
  • Crackdown on illegal HMOs and Beds-in-Sheds
  • Protect our suburbs from inappropriate high-rise development
  • Make the Council more responsive and reactive to queries and complaints from residents
  • Keep Council Tax as low as possible

Thank you once again for your support and your Conservative Council is ready to deliver for Harrow residents.


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