Edgware Action Team

Nicola Blackman

E-mail: blackman4edgware@outlook.com
Phone: 07849 552 024

Nicola had a career in the City of London alongside being a Brent Councillor for 12 years, in one of the most diverse boroughs in the country. Since then Nicola has worked in Harrow and the surrounding areas for more than 15 years. Nicola is married to and works for Bob Blackman, M.P. She has the experience and knowledge to represent you in Edgware, which has been badly neglected by Harrow’s Labour Council.

Yogesh Teli

E-mail: yogesh.teli@gmail.com
Phone: 07770 222 307

My principles are Truth, Honesty, Respect and Integrity. My Political services to-date, Harrow Councillor for 8 years, representing on various committees as Chairman, Member, Deputy and Reserve member.  School Governor. My community services to-date, Chair of Trustees, Ashiana Charitable Trust, Chair of Elmsleigh Avenue Residents Association, Volunteer for Organ Donation GIVE-IT campaign. My Professional services to-date, Chairman, British Isles Tandem User Group (BITUG) 1998 – 1999, International Tandem User Group (ITUG) 2003, and ITUG Asia-Pacific Executive Council 2004.

Stefan Voloseniuc

E-mail: voloseniuc.stefan@conservatives4edgware.co.uk
Phone: 07514 644 122

Stefan Voloseniuc is a locally based entrepreneur and businessman who has lived and worked in North London since 2007. He’s standing for council in May 2022 as a Conservative Party candidate because he is passionate about giving a voice to local people whilst helping to improve their situation, lives and opportunities, especially as we all emerge from such a difficult period. He’s lived in Edgware and Wembley with his family for more than a decade and, away from business, loves football, boxing and spending time supporting the local community.

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